Deflect A 120 vcaps

Item# DADA0485
Regular price: $44.95
Sale price: $42.70

Product Description

The original shield against lectins. Designed to block problematic food lectins known to negatively impact Blood Type As.

Sometimes, Avoids are simply unavoidable.

Meet Deflect A, your first line of defense against lectins in Avoid foods. A class of proteins that bind to the different antigens in each blood type, lectins can harm immune and digestive function.

An exclusive blend of glucosamine, chondroitin and D-mannose, Deflect A is crafted for optimal absorption by Blood Type As. Dr. Peter D'Adamo's uniquely designed formula provides specific blocking sugars that attach to receptors on lectins, preventing them from impacting immune and digestive health. Deflect A also includes cranberry and pineapple concentrates to aid in maximum absorption.

While it can't magically turn Avoids into Beneficials, Deflect A may assist in healthy weight management and the repair of pre-existing lectin damage. With the help of D'Adamo's formula, you can support a balanced digestive system.

D'Adamo's lectin-fighting team includes:

N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine (NAG): Acts like a magnet for lectins in foods. When lectins bind to the NAG on your cells, they impair their functioning. The NAG in Deflect serves as a distractor, picking up stray lectins without interrupting your metabolism.

Chondroitin: Becomes smaller peptides upon breakdown in the stomach, resembling the Blood Type A antigen. These molecules can then bind to A-like lectins and prevent attachment in the intestinal tract.

D-Mannose: Has a unique structure that can prevent adhesion of non-beneficial bacteria.

  • Knocks out specific Type A dietary lectins before they hinder digestion
  • Supports metabolism
  • Supports immune defenses
