Harmonia Deluxe 7 oz

Item# DADA0744
Regular price: $43.95
Sale price: $41.75

Product Description

All-natural supplement drink mix made with sprouted seeds and other plant ingredients.

Fresh greens and fruits. By the spoonful.

When fresh, healthy greens and fruits aren’t available, D'Adamo's reformulated Harmonia Deluxe green drink mix can act as another all-natural way to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your daily routine.

Dr. Peter D'Adamo, author of Eat Right 4 Your Type, specially developed this plant-based blend, which is right for all blood types. Now with a smoother consistency and containing a flavorful variety of ground sprouted seeds and grasses bursting with enzyme-rich nutrition, Harmonia Deluxe harnesses the power of the insoluble fiber found in plant-based greens to improve overall health.

When mixed, tart cherries lend to a dark red hue, while the addition of more organic ingredients mean you’re getting the healthiest green mix available. Simply blend Harmonia Deluxe into juice or beverage right for your type and enjoy.

Ground to a fine green powder, Harmonia Deluxe includes all-natural plant-sourced ingredients:

Organic Barley Grass: Supports the immune system by delivering powerful antioxidants and detoxifying nutrients. Naturally cleanses and supports healthy digestion.

Chlorella Algae: Loaded with protein, chlorella supports overall health by also providing vitamins, minerals and omega-3. Acts as a natural antioxidant and detoxifier while supporting the immune system.

Montmorency Tart Cherry Fruit: Supports healthy joint function and muscle recovery and can help to regulate sleep cycles. Nutrient-rich, tart cherry also delivers powerful antioxidants to support optimal health.

  • Works to support energy production
  • Aids in supporting vitality
  • Helps to maintain blood sugar levels already in the normal range
